Microwell, Ltd., a manufacturing and trading company with more than 7 years experience in the marketplace, launches its new, elegant and affordable swimming pool dehumidifiers DRY series, DRY 800 and DRY 1200. These units are designed for bigger indoor swimming pool halls with 90 – 120 m2...
Artesian Spas proves its commitment in the green technology by developing innovative concept such as the Patented DirectFlow with Variable Flow Control. The VFC replaces diverter valves, and does not rob water one massage area to give more pressure to another area.
A lot of home owners dram about a garden with a stylish ambiance, paired with a pool. The newly finished D Line series pools RivieraPool make every garden a bathing oasis. A bubbling spring, a running stream or a waterfall charmingly accentuate the linear swimming pool.
Water analysis expert Palintest Ltd. has developed new Pooltest 3 and Pooltest 6 photometers for on-site pool water quality testing. The new products have exceptional accuracy, using narrow band filters with a wavelength tolerance of +/-2 nm.
After the successful start of 3000 RPM version of this pump, and for its first centenary PSH is proud to present in Piscine 2010, Lyon, its last development – the GREAT GIANT Pump – the pump at 1500 RPM for commercial pools made in plastic fitted with Logarithmic Volute.
Fabarpool presents CRYSTAL, the spa that thanks to it’s elegant and stylish design, it is suitable for the classiest settings. Crystal provides a perfect comfort thanks to a comfortable lounge chair for two and features perimetric seats which make it suitable up to 7 people.
Hach Company / Environmental Test Systems (ETS), a subsidiary of Hach Company, is a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of chemical test systems. It is the maker of AquaChek® Pool & Spa Test Strips and TruTest® Digital Test Strip Reader. AquaChek Yellow strip needs to be put in the pool...
CORELEC is one of the leading French manufacturers of electronic solutions for pool water treatment with its AQUALYSE range (salt chlorinators and pH controllers) but also under other brands.
It is essential to give swimmers certainty, peace of mind, and the awareness of being in a facility where the safety level is high and one’s safeness is constantly monitored as far as the greatest danger is concerned: drowning.
The Elsaesser company in Augsburg, a special provider of ELIGA sauna technology with over 100 years of experience, also provides Made in Germany ELIGA sauna LED lights for use in commercial sauna cabins.
BABYSECUR® manufactures, distributes and installs modular safety fencing for pools, which fulfil the conditions required in the building on the risks of drowning and falls.