hydralians,key,partner,water,landscaping,professionals NEWS

HYDRALIANS, the key partner for water and landscaping...

With its expertise supported by over 200 technical sales representatives and 78 points of sale – 72 in France and 6 in Portugal – HYDRALIANS offers a wide range of products from leading manufacturers, complemented by efficient services, to...

hth,launches,new,brand,design,piscine,global,2024 NEWS

HTH™ launches new brand design at Piscine Global 2024

At Piscine Global 2024, HTH™ unveiled its brand new design, marking a key milestone in its evolution.

target,public,facility,professionals,france,communicating,special,pros,collectivites,2024 NEWS

Target public facility professionals in France by...

The annual version of the Spécial PROS COLLECTIVITES Special Edition - by EuroSpaPoolNews - is currently being prepared and will be released at the end of September 2024. It will bring together all the essential news, developments and trends from...

hexagone,robots,clean,pools,paris,2024,olympics NEWS

Hexagone robots will clean the pools for the Paris 2024...

Hexagone Manufacture, the European leader for the maintenance of commercial and public pools, has been chosen to clean the pools for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games! A source of pride for the company and three cheers for French technology!

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