Responsible pool owners should regularly check the swimming water quality. Lovibond®, specialist in swimming pool water analysis devices, highlights 2 proven flagship products on the market.
Pooltester test kit and Scuba II electronic tester
Compact pool test kit, multi or single device, its pool tester comes in a variety of versions to meet all requirements. This quick tester is a very popular tool, allowing reliable and safe control of the quality of water. In order to optimally guarantee the effectiveness of the water treatment agent, rapid and harmless to health reagents ensure the colour change in the test chamber. In this way, one can quickly see for himself whether the pH value, chlorine or bromine content, alkalinity, cyanuric acid, calcium hardness and other parameters are balanced by comparing them on a colour scale. This guarantees the safety of swimmers at all times - even when the summer gets really hot.
Scuba II
With the Scuba II, water analysis is also very easy. Simply immerse the electronic pool tester in the water to collect a sample, then add a reagent tablet to the measurement chamber containing the sample. The result of the pH, chlorine, bromine, water hardness or cyanuric acid measurement is displayed at the touch of a button. Waterproof, handy, easy to use, the Scuba II has been successfully used in private pools for a long time. It can even fall into the water without any risk, since it is waterproof, can float and is compatible with Green Chemistry and Evo reagents, which are health-compatible and sustainable.