tuyau piscine

FITT® Laboratories have developed Barrierflex CDS®, the first swimming pool spiral hose capable of resisting corrosion by chlorinated water.


This product combines two Hi-Fitt® patented technologies in a sole hose: a rigid spiral shape covered by an anti-cracking barrier (Spiral Protection Barrier® patent) ensuring excellent which guarantees an excellent seal and resistance to subsurface stress and the special newly formulated internal PVC Chlorine Defence System® film which provides watertight protection against corrosion by chlorinated water.


spiral hoseMechanical and thermal resistance is supposed to be five times greater than standard hoses, superior physical/mechanical characteristics and consistent, long-lasting high performance.


Laboratory tests conducted on samples from this product show that the CDS protective film guarantees 11 times less water absorption compared to other PVC products available on the market, as well as a major improvement in terms of ultimate tensile stress and ultimate elongation.


Erosion and bulging of the surfaces inside the hose when chlorinated water flows through it; damage due to subsurface stress and impact on hose performance caused by hot water.