Filmed for the 45th anniversary of its founding, the new FITT video illustrates the company mission in digital form, transferring the values of the brand into words and images.


FITTUnder the seal of the new pay-off Technology Flow which accompanies the FITT logo, the company brings to the scene a high quality product, characterized by innovative technological content and a state-of the art design, able to guarantee increased performance in respect of the environment.

Since 1969, passion and professionalism have transformed a commodity into a product with highly innovative and technological content. The undisputed star of the video is the hose, for irrigation and industrial applications, branded Hi-Fitt: the video pays particular attention to the latter, focussing on specialized applications for the pool, compressed air, oenology and agricultural sectors.

Images of the hose during the production stage alternate with frames showing the product in use, retracing the process from the concept of the hose in the laboratory to the manufacture on production lines and its placement in the market. Thanks to a widespread international presence and to an integrated system of logistical platforms, the FITT hose proudly carries Made in Italy to the world through prompt and targeted deliveries.

"This video had the difficult task of reconciling institutional importance with a heightened focus on the product", declared Alessandro Mezzalira, commenting on the on-line publication of the new video. "In particular we placed special emphasis on the industrial hose, which for us constitutes an increasingly important and strategic segment with a significant double-figure rate of growth."