SwimLine Splash

Leading UV disinfection specialist HANOVIA has launched the new SwimLine Splash range, specifically designed for treating smaller water flows. The SwimLine Splash is said to be economical to operate, very compact and easy to install, service and maintain – all important considerations for small operators.


If required, UV output can also be optimised with an optional UV intensity monitor. Hanovia highlights several benefits of UV for small pool and spa owners. To start with, the company’s medium-pressure UV technology is claimed to virtually eliminate the need for chlorination (except for small residual amounts) – so sore eyes and the unpleasant ‘chlorine smell’ are a thing of the past. Other benefits include “demonstrably clearer water” and reduced wear and tear to building structures from chlorine by-products.

Commenting on Hanovia’s UV technology, Western Europe Sales Manager James HADLEY says: “Water-borne pathogens like Cryptosporidium and Giardia are highly resistant to chlorine and can’t be eliminated by using the chemical on its own – an additional step is therefore required to ensure their complete removal. UV is now one of the most popular methods of destroying them. “In addition, chloramines – the unpleasant by-products of chlorination – can be effectively removed with UV. So, by being effective against chlorine resistant micro-organisms and by controlling chloramines, UV is a double-edged sword.”