It is essential to give swimmers certainty, peace of mind, and the awareness of being in a facility where the safety level is high and one’s safeness is constantly monitored as far as the greatest danger is concerned: drowning.

Monitoring the pools by qualified personnel is a somewhat difficult activity, as the bottom of the pool is hard to see (because reflected light, waves and floating swimmers do not always permit a full view of the activities at the bottom of the pool). Distraction is also a factor.

Angeleye Thanks to the AngelEye new visual technology, a new lifeguard monitors all the activities at the pool. This safety system has been specifically designed to control the activity of the swimmers in the swimming facilities.

It can evaluate dangerous situations and let the lifeguards know that there is an unsafe situation in progress. This is accomplished by means of hand-held devices in a quick and effective manner, thus providing immediate and focused assistance.

The implementation of the AngelEye drowning detection system is composed of three phases:
  • a layout design is developed according to the plan of the pools
  • installation on the walls of the pool of specific detection portholes (available in two models: deck hatch or niche portholes)
  • housing of the central unit and the associated connection to the detection and warning devices of the AngelEye system.

The designers will fine tune the system to make sure it works under any brightness and pool attendance conditions, up to and including the final testing and inspection. The company also offers assistance and support services.